Fire Retardant Used on Homes During Two of California’s Most Devastating Fires Recognized for Formula and Method of Use

U.S. Patent Granted to Sun FireDefense for Wildfire Coating Technology

Insurance Tips for California High Risk Area
(NAPSI)—It’s a huge irony—those who live in the most wildfire prone areas are shunned by private insurance companies and relegated to rely on the state-subsidized California Fair Plan. This basic Fair Plan, in most cases, will not rebuild a home back to its former glory, yet more than 200,000 homeowners depend on it. Fair Plan covers only up to $2.7M and that’s based on when a place was built; that cost could be double today. This is exacerbated by the fact that if you buy a wrap-around policy, it usually doesn’t cover fire.

Cheddar TV: This Product Can Prevent Major Damage During a House Fire

Social Impact Tech: Jim Moseley of Sun FireDefense On How Their Technology Will Make An Important Positive Impact
Saving as many lives and homes as possible in wildfire areas. Because wildfires are making climate change worse and climate change is causing more fires, if I can help mitigate any part of this vicious cycle, I feel like I am contributing to the greater good.

U.S. Patent Granted To SUN FIRE DEFENSE For WILDFIRE Coating Technology
Marina Del Rey, California Sunseeker Enterprises, Inc. DBA, Sun FireDefense announced that on September 13, 2022, the company was granted patent #11441076 for its fire prevention coating formula by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Specific applications of the invention include but are not limited to protection of residential properties in wildfire-prone areas, commercial structures, and utility pole assets. When the long-lasting solution is applied to a surface, dried, and cured, it absorbs into the substrate to significantly decrease the possibility of combustion for years afterward.

DoE Tests Utility Poles that Self-Extinguish After a Lightning Strike
Sun FireDefense announced the results of a test that used a fire retardant with the Department of Energy’s Bonneville Power Administration.

Sun FireDefense has been Granted a US Patent for their Wildfire Coating Technology
Sunseeker Enterprises, Inc. DBA Sun FireDefense reported that the US Patent and Trademark Office issued the business patent #11441076 for its fire prevention coating formula on September 13, 2022.

Fire Season in California Has Become A Year-Round Reality. Have You Actually Done All You Can to Protect Your Home?

The Ultimate Protector
Since Opening in 2014, SUN FireDefense Has Emerged as the Industry Standard in Home and Commercial Fireproofing, Providing Residents in High-Fire Risk Communities with Something that has Become All to Rare in Southern California: Peace of Mind.

Jim Moseley & SUN Fire Defense’s Burning Desire to Stop Fire, SUN FireDefense and Fire Resistant Structures

Exploring Life & Business with Jim Moseley of Sun Fire Defense - Voyage LA Magazine | LA City Guide

Tips To Prevent Wildfire Destruction
(NAPSI)—In 2020, 58,950 wildfires burned 10.1 million acres, the second-most acreage impacted in a year since 1960. Nearly 40% of these acres were in California, where 30 people were killed, 8,500 structures destroyed and 4 million acres of land were torched. Californians are asking what can be done to remain safe.

U.S. Patent Granted to Sun FireDefense for Wildfire Coating Technology

New Fire-Retardant Technology Tested at Department of Energy's Bonneville Power Administration Demonstrates Ability to Self-Extinguish Flames from a Lightning Strike
MARINA DEL REY, Calif., Oct. 26, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Prior to earning patent #11441076 for its fire prevention coating formula by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office last month, Sunseeker Enterprises, Inc. DBA Sun FireDefense is publicly announcing the results of a test that used the same fire retardant with the…
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